Family Therapy
What is Family Therapy?
Family therapy involves the family members and not just the individual, to identify and address any patterns of behaviours that may be contributing to problems. Parents can learn about the children, and vice-versa, and develop healthier ways of communicating and resolving problems.
Why Family Therapy?
"Family is always there, whether you want them to be or not. And you can't get rid of them, no matter what you do. You might as well embrace them and realise that they are an inevitable part of your life" - Linda Lael Miller.
Not all families are the same. Due to the intertwining nature we have with our family members and the frequent time we spend with them, especially when there are young children, it is essential for the family environment to be healthy and positive. Family therapy can benefit families with ineffective interactional patterns which can contribute to poor communication, frequent conflicts, and emotional distancing from one another.
Transitions are an inevitable part of life, and they can be especially challenging for a family to navigate, with different personalities and opinions all under one rood. Whether it is a new baby, child going through adolescence, a divorce, a major illness, transitions bring about significant impact and challenges for families. Family therapy can be a useful tool for families going through transitions as it provides a safe and supportive environment for each individual in the family to express their thoughts and feelings, and to collaboratively work on how to develop strategies to cope with them.
What to expect from Family Therapy?
Family therapy will involve delving into sensitive topics and addressing the underlying emotional conflicts between the family members. This can make it uncomfortable for many families and families may feel that talking about past unhealthy interactions may further strain the relationship. It is important to note that our therapist are trained to manage and hold the space for you and your family. In family therapy, your family can learn new skills and techniques to manage the stress and uncertainty of transitions. You and your family will be guided to work through any underlying issues and move towards positive outcomes. All in all, family therapy can help everyone in the family foster a sense of togetherness by strengthening relationships, building trust, and developing a shared vision for the future.
Contact Us
318D Tanglin Road, #01-58,
Phoenix Park, S(247979)
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